Lemon and other stories

Lemon and other stories

Legal Policy


By virtue of this Legal Notice and in compliance with the duty of information. Included in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter, “LSSI”), you are informed that the owner of this website with domain https://lemonandotherstories.com is:

Social denomination: LEMON AND OTHER STORIES S.L.

CIF: B74464025

Tax residence: C/ Francisco Lujan, 1728027 – Madrid Spain

Address for notification purposes: C/ Francisco Lujan,1728027 – Madrid Spain

Email: hola@lemonandotherstories.com

Site: www.lemonandotherstories.com

Phone: +34 699 67 11 82


In compliance with the provisions of article 5 of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, of GPRD, you are informed that you grant your consent so that the personal data, collected or obtained through this website, mainly through forms or email links, are incorporated into a personal data file owned by Lemon and other stories.

Your personal data will not be transferred to third parties, except under legal obligation or express consent on your part.

The processing of your personal data by Lemon and other stories has the purpose of maintaining and managing relationships with users, as well as carrying out commercial tasks and promotional and advertising activities, within the framework of the services offered. or provided by Lemon and other stories.

Such promotional activities may be carried out by sending commercial communications: through email or equivalent means of electronic communication.

In relation to said commercial communications, by virtue of the provisions of articles 21 and 22 of the LSSI. You must give your express consent by checking the “I accept” box when any type of form on the Lemon and other stories website requests personal information such as your name or email. In order to proceed to send you communications of a commercial or advertising nature.

In the corresponding form before sending it, you can also decline to receive this advertising.


But equally, in case you wish to revoke the consent given for the sending of said commercial communications.

You must contact Lemon and other stories via email hola@lemonandotherstories.com stating your willingness to stop receiving commercial communications electronically or analogously.

Finally, through this Privacy Policy, you are informed that you will be able to exercise the rights that as the owner of your personal data assist you under the RGPD, these being the so-called ARCO Rights (Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition). ).

You may exercise the aforementioned rights, by means of a written and signed request, addressed to:

Lemon and other stories, C/ Francisco Luján 17, 28027 Madrid (Spain), to the attention of the person responsible for the treatment.

The interested party must send said communication indicating the request or right being exercised, their name and surname, an address for notification purposes, and a copy of their ID or passport.

The interested party has models of forms for exercising ARCO Rights, on the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Lemon and other stories reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy in accordance with the possible variations that the Law may experience. These changes are introduced with sufficient notice, to comply with both the regulations regarding the protection of personal data. . As with the criteria adopted and followed by the RGPD.